School of Health (SOH) Appointment, Promotion, Tenure (APT) Committee

​School of Health Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) Committee

The purpose of the APT Committee is to promote and maintain the quality of the faculty of the School of Health.  

The responsibilities of the Committee are to:

  • Advise the Dean of the School of Health (SOH) on cases for faculty appointment, rank, promotion, and tenure on all faculty lines for those faculty with governance rights in the School;
  • To execute those policies adopted by the SOH Executive Faculty and other university policies pertaining to appointment, rank, promotion, and tenure;
  • To review school-level APT policies and recommend changes to the SOH Executive Faculty for adoption; and
  • To periodically, in consultation with the appropriate department chairs, review the progress of tenure-line faculty.
  • You can learn more about the review process, and tips for your application in the SOH APT Manual. Please also be sure to review the SOH APT deadlines and meeting schedule.  You can also find them on “Step 3” of any line/rank page when going through the 1-2-3 steps in the previous page.  

A faculty member should never attempt to contact any APT members regarding the status of their application.  If you have any questions regarding your application, please speak with your department chair or administrator.