Step 3: Tenure Line Appointment

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Creation of a Tenure Line appointment requires prior approval by the Dean of the School of Nursing and the Executive Vice President.  Applications for Tenure Line appointments will not be considered without this approval.  If you have any questions after reviewing the Tenure requirements, please contact the Vice President of Faculty and Academic Affairs, Dr. Elliott Crooke. 

Tenure Line Appointment Checklist: Assistant Professor Rank

Electronic documents should be submitted by your program administrator via Interfolio.  Documents should be ordered and named in Interfolio as described below.  

Discuss with your unit leader.  

Before you do any of the below, you must first discuss with your academic leader and confirm the appropriate appointment or promotion for you.  If you do not know your academic leader, you may find them on the Unit Leader and Admin list.

  • Letter of support is addressed to the Chair of APT, Dr. Edilma Yearwood
  • Letter addresses prior experience and future plans for teaching, research, and service
  • Should be dated no earlier than four months before submission via Interfolio
  • Please note: Academic leader and department chair letters are included for cases that do not go to UCRT. Academic leader/Chair letters are not permitted for cases that go to UCRT except as a record of unit-level action consistent with the faculty handbook
  • Recommendations for Unit Leader’s Letter

  • The CV must be formatted using the SON CV template and signed by the applicant​
  • Sections that are not applicable should be indicated with N/A or deleted from the format

  • The candidate’s teaching statement should provide evidence of teaching excellence and other information that will assist the reviewers in evaluating his or her teaching. The information may describe the following:
    • His or her teaching philosophy, the courses the candidate has taught (in terms of diversity of subject matter and level)    
    • Course or curriculum development (including syllabi or other relevant/original materials)   
    • Improvement in teaching and efforts to improve teaching, adoption or development of novel methodologies or innovations in the classroom as well as any teaching grants he or she has received, publications on pedagogy.  
    • If the candidate has published a textbook or other teaching materials, he or she should explain any ways in which it is innovative and contributes to improved teaching

  • The candidate should write a research statement that indicates how the candidate has made an original contribution to the field and identify the most important publications, and how they align with each other.
  • While peer-reviewed publications are given the most weight in most fields in rank and tenure assessments, candidates should describe unpublished (but substantially advanced) work and other projects under way to provide evaluators with a good idea of the future direction and trajectory of their research.
  • The candidate’s research statement should summarize collaborative work, emphasizing his/her critical and significant role/contribution to the collaborative work.
  • For a full list and examples of what a candidate should include in the research statement, please see Section II, part d in the UCRT Guidelines.

  • The candidate’s service statement should include service contributions inside and outside of the University. In terms of contributions inside the University, the candidate should include service inside his/her academic unit (advising, program administration, admissions, searches, seminar coordination, etc.) as well as service outside of the academic unit (committee service, organization of events with other units, etc.).  
  • In addition to enumerating what committees the candidate has served on and what administrative roles he or she has assumed, the candidate should detail what he or she contributed to the mission of the University through that service. The candidate should identify any accomplishments that improved the University.  
  • In terms of service outside of the University, the candidate is encouraged to emphasize service to professional organizations in his/her field (elected positions, conference organization, editorial and refereeing work, etc.). In addition, the candidate should include other service to the public as it relates to his/her position as an expert in his/her field.  

  • Provide summary of previous Annual Faculty Evaluations (if applicable)

  • Summary of Student Evaluations, including upper and lower scale range. Do not include narrative student comments
  • Three Classroom Evaluation Reports or equivalent by faculty at the rank at or above the rank sought. See Appendix B of SON APT Manual.

  • For Tenure Line, Assistant Professor the applicant needs three letters of recommendation
  • Letters are addressed to the Dean of the School of Nursing
  • Letters must be submitted on letterhead and physically signed (not typed) by the writer
  • Writers must type their name and current rank underneath their signature
  • Writers must identify the track and rank the applicant is applying for, and whether the applicant is going for appointment or promotion in the letter
  • The three letters of support are from individuals who are familiar with the applicants qualifications as an educator, scholar, colleague, and practitioner, where applicable
  • All letters should come from writers who are at or above the rank sought by the applicant
  • Should be dated no earlier than four months before submission via Interfolio​

  • Submit 3-5 major scholarly publications completed since appointment or the last promotion publications that best represent candidate’s scholarly achievement and potential


Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.  Submit to the Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs (OFAA) at least 10 days prior to anticipated APT review meeting. Please work with your Program Administrator or Human Resources Contact (HRC) to discuss the application process and when they need the paperwork from you before the deadline.  See the APT Review Meeting Schedule.  You can also view the schedule for Spring 2025 below:

APT Deadlines Spring 2025
Deadline for Units to finish uploading the appointment applications in Interfolio:APT Meeting Dates: 11:30 AM – 1 PM ET
January 16, 2025January 30, 2025
February 13, 2025February 27, 2025
March 13, 2025March 27, 2025
April 10, 2025April 24, 2025
May 7, 2025May 21, 2025
June 12, 2025June 26, 2025 (if needed)