Application for appointment to Tenure Line requires prior approval from the Executive Vice President; you cannot apply to Tenure Line without first gaining this approval.
Associate and Full Professor Appointment Checklist
Electronic documents should be submitted by your department administrator via Interfolio. Documents should be ordered and named in Interfolio as described below.
Offer letters are needed only for first time faculty appointments with Georgetown University Medical Center.
Those seeking promotions do not need an offer letter.
The offer letter must be drafted and sent to the Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs for approval
After the offer letter is formally approved, the department mails the letter and it is signed by the faculty member
The signed copy should be uploaded by the Department Administrator with the remaining contents of the application
Note: This offer letter is for OFAA records and will not be viewed by the Committee on Appointments and Promotions or the University Committee on Rank and Tenure
Secret votes shall be taken on applications for promotion and/or tenure
In the case of applications for tenure, all tenured members of the unit are entitled to vote.
In the case of applications for promotion, all tenure-line members holding at least the rank to which the applicant is applying are entitled to vote.
Voting should take place at a meeting at which the application can be discussed by the group as a whole.
The number of absentee votes, if permitted by the unit, should be so noted in the transmission of the file.
The Department Discussion minutes should incorporate whether the candidate’s accomplishments have met the Department’s statement on how the University Standards for promotion and tenure apply to their discipline
The candidate should write a research statement that indicates how the candidate has made an original contribution to the field and identify the most important publications, and how they align with each other.
While peer-reviewed publications are given the most weight in rank and tenure assessments, candidates should describe unpublished (but substantially advanced) work and other projects under way to provide evaluators with a good idea of the future direction and trajectory of their research.
The candidate’s research statement should summarize collaborative work, emphasizing his/her critical and significant role/contribution to the collaborative work.
The combined word count total for all three statements (Research, Teaching and Service) should not exceed 6,000 words. The words can be divided across the 3 statements as the applicant sees fit.
A teaching statement should elaborate on the candidates’ teaching philosophy, including the learning theories and /or methodologies that are most aligned with the candidates’ work.
Provide an overview of: types of courses taught, diversity of educational activities*, professional development in teaching/education, adoption or development of novel methodologies and innovations in educational domains.
*Education Activities include direct teaching, curriculum design, advising and/or mentoring, education leadership and/or administration, and learner assessment (ref Advancing educators and education by defining the components and evidence associated with educational scholarship. Simpson D, Fincher R, Hafler J, Irby D, Richards B, Rosenfeld G, Viggiano T. Med Educ, 2007 Oct;41(10):1002-9.
Include how the candidate has made an original scholarly contribution to the field on a local, national and/or international level, and identify the most important published and/or implemented education activities.
While peer-reviewed published educational materials and organizational approved and implemented educational activities are given the most weight in rank assessments, candidates should describe substantially advanced work and other projects under way to provide evaluators with a good idea of the future direction and trajectory of their scholarly work.
Summarize collaborative work, emphasizing his/her critical and significant role/contribution to the collaborative work.
For a full list and examples of what a candidate should include in the teaching statement, please see Section II, part e in the UCRT Guidelines. Although these guidelines are for Tenure, it is good guidance for what to include in the statement for this track as well.
The combined word count total for all three statements (Research, Teaching and Service) should not exceed 6,000 words. The words can be divided across the 3 statements as the applicant sees fit.
The candidate’s service statement should include service contributions inside and outside of the University. In terms of contributions inside the University, the candidate should include service inside his/her academic unit (advising, program administration, admissions, searches, seminar coordination, etc.) as well as service outside of the academic unit (committee service, organization of events with other units, etc.).
In addition to enumerating what committees the candidate has served on and what administrative roles he or she has assumed, the candidate should detail what he or she contributed to the mission of the University through that service. The candidate should identify any accomplishments that improved the University.
In terms of service outside of the University, the candidate is encouraged to emphasize service to professional organizations in his/her field (elected positions, conference organization, editorial and refereeing work, etc.). In addition, the candidate should include other service to the public as it relates to his/her position as an expert in his/her field.
The combined word count total for all three statements (Research, Teaching and Service) should not exceed 6,000 words. The words can be divided across the 3 statements as the applicant sees fit.
Provide systematic or summary of all teaching evaluations at Georgetown University School of Medicine and/or previous institutions. Note: Individual student evaluations will not be accepted and will result in the return of the application.
Evidence of highest degree is provided in one of the following formats: notarized copy of degree, letter from the registrar, notarized copy of ECFMG certificate, verification from the American Medical Association, or copy of transcript
The Applicant provides a list of potential External Evaluators who may be contacted by CAP for a letter of evaluation of the applicant.
Eight names should be provided with contact information
In preparing the list of potential arm’s length external evaluators, applicants are highly encouraged to consult the UCRT rank and Tenure Guidelines
The list should also include information on (1) if and how the candidate knows the potential evaluator, (2) why they are preeminent in their field and (3) whether they can be considered at “arms-length”.
The Department Chair provides a list of potential External Evaluators who may be contacted by CAP for a letter of evaluation of the applicant.
Eight names should be provided with contact information
In preparing the list of potential arm’s length external evaluators, applicants are highly encouraged to consult the UCRT rank and Tenure Guidelines
The list should also include information on (1) if and how the candidate knows the potential evaluator, (2) why they are preeminent in their field and (3) whether they can be considered at “arms-length”.
All sections of the confidential should be completed
Note: This form is for OFAA records and will not be viewed by the Committee on Appointments and Promotions or the University Committee on Rank and Tenure
The deadlines for rank and tenure are currently the same every year.
Application for promotion to full professor (tenure already granted): Accepted on rolling basis; please follow the CAP deadlines.
Deadline for promotion and/or grant of tenure to associate or full professor please refer to the Faculty Handbook, Section III.D.10.c as amended in June 2019.
For those who are Tenure eligible (not already tenured) and who had opted for the old application rules, the deadline is September 15, 2024.For tenure eligible faculty seeking grant of tenure and/or promotion to Associate Professor or Professor, MUST be received in the OFAA by September 15, 2024 in order to meet the University Committee on Rank and Tenure (UCRT) March 1, 2025 deadline. Please refer to the Faculty Handbook, Section III.D.10.c as amended in June 2019. The Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs must have the entire application, including the list of potential arm’s length external evaluator names from the Applicant and the Department Chair by September 15, 2024.
For those who are Tenure eligible (not already tenured), are in their first through six years of their tenure probationary period, and who are following the new application rules, the deadline is May 15, 2025.For tenure eligible faculty seeking grant of tenure and/or promotion to Associate Professor or Professor, MUST be received in the OFAA by May 15, 2025 in order to meet the University Committee on Rank and Tenure (UCRT) January 15, 2026 deadline. Please refer to the Faculty Handbook, Section III.D.10.c as amended in June 2019. The Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs must have the entire application, including the list of potential arm’s length external evaluator names from the Applicant and the Department Chair by May 15, 2025.
If you have any questions about the New or Old Tenure Application Rules, or are unsure of which application rule applies to you, please contact Annie Alston (