
Below are important policies that you should review on a regular basis.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Faculty Handbook

Every Faculty member should review the Faculty Handbook in its entirety. Please ensure to review the following policies:

Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination in Employment

Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination in Education

School of Medicine University Track Policies

School of Health Line Policies

School of Nursing Line Policies

Postdoctoral Fellow Policy

Postdoctoral Fellow Policy

GMS Reimbursement Policy and Process

Effective January 2, 2019, the Georgetown Tax Department will begin reviewing all reimbursement requests that are not submitted within a reasonable period of time (i.e., within a 60-day window) as outlined in Policy FA 111 in the GMS expense reimbursement review process.

GUMC Phased Retirement Program for Tenure-Line Faculty (Voluntary)